
Baterista de Sigur Rós deja la banda tras acusaciones de violación

Orri Páll Dýrason abandonó la banda islandesa tras ser acusado de agresión sexual por parte de la artista Meagan Boyd.

Orri Páll Dýrason, baterista de la banda de post rock Sigur Rós, dejó la agrupación tras ser acusado de violación.

El músico, que ingresó a la banda en 1999, poco después de la grabación del álbum Ágætis byrjun, fue acusado de agresión sexual por parte de la artista Meagan Boyd, cuyo nombre artístico es Yin Shadowz. El incidente habría ocurrido en 2013 en Los Angeles.

"Ante las acusaciones extremadamente serias y personales contra él en los días recientes, hemos decidido aceptar la renuncia de nuestro compañero Orri Páll Dyrason para que lidie con esto de forma privada", expresó la banda en un comunicado en sus redes sociales.

En su cuenta de Instagram, la denunciante dijo que el ahora exbaterista de Sigur Rós la violó mientras dormía, mientras ella estaba ebria.


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In January of 2013 I was sexually assaulted by a member of the band @sigurros when they were in Los Angeles recording an album that was set to come out later that same year. My assailant's name is Orri Páll Dýrason. I never reported it. I never expressed my pain publicly. I harbored this ache now for almost 6 years... for many reasons. I felt no one would believe me, I felt I had been irresponsible for trusting him just because he was in a band I loved and I respected him as an artist. I was drunk, and I had met him at a club (I had a brief period in which I was a dancer at a club called “the body shop”), I also engaged in a kiss with him before falling asleep in the same bed, after that I completely knocked out. I woke up with the feeling of being penetrated without my consent during a deep slumber.. it happened twice that night, and I wondered myself why I didn’t leave after the first time- but I was drunk, dead tired, in shock, and this was right before I ever heard of anything like Uber/lyft ... but none of that should matter because no one deserves to be raped/touched/licked/fucked without CONSENT. (((My heart is racing and I’m shaking just typing this.))) I wasn't ready to go public in the midst of the hype of the #metoo movement because just speaking about it gives me intense anxiety and I was about to give birth to my first child. In the wake of the news of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford calling out Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, I was triggered to speak out myself. Ironically, he’s now engaged to feminist activist who is also the founder of the Icelandic Slut walk (go figure...) And if I hear another damn Sigur Ros song during a yoga class ever again I’m gonna scream. Those songs I once found deliciously calming, beautiful and serene now leave a disgusting taste in my mouth. #endrapeculture

Una publicación compartida por Meagan Boyd 🏺🌿🐚🐍 (@yinshadowz) el

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